Custom Hearing Protection Earplugs

custom earmolds, hearing protection
earplug impression


Custom hand-crafted hearing protection earplugs require individual impressions of the ear.

If you are in the Portland, Oregon area

Hocks will take your ear impressions at no additional charge.

Please call Hocks at 503-274-9482 or 1-800-654-6257 for an appointment.

Or, call a hearing aid dealer near you for an appointment for ear impressions.

Color & Cord Options

Step-by-Step Directions

Order Custom Hocks Noise Brakers®, Solid Hearing Protection Earplugs, Swim Plugs, or Sleep Plugs if a dealer is not listed in your area.

1. Call any hearing aid dealer in your city to have impressions taken of your ears.  Compare prices to see how much this will cost you.

2. Give the hearing professional these instructions:

The finished impressions need to meet

the following criteria:

     -The concha is round and full

     -The canal is past the 2nd bend

     -The helix is filled in and complete

     -The impression fills the ear cavity,

including the tragus, concha, and antihelix 

3. The impressions should be given to you in a small cardboard box.            Write your name and phone number inside the box flap.

4. To send the impressions to Hocks Earmold Lab, use our order form and mailing label.

     - Fill in your name, address, phone, and add your email address.
     - Fill in the section of the form for Hearing Protection Earpiece Options.

     - Add any notes to the special instructions box on the order form. 

Custom Noise Brakers® Solid Earplugs Swim Earplugs Sleep Earplugs

If you do not indicate a color choice, your earplugs will be made without color (translucent clear).

Contact us with questions, and for the cost of your hearing protection: Call 800-654-6257 or Email, using the button.

When we receive your order, we will call you for your credit card information, and with any questions we may have about your order. 

After you send your impressions to us, or after we take impressions of your ears, our earmold lab technicians use your ear impressions to create your comfortable custom earplugs, made to fit and protect your ears only.